Composite: MUA project
Sometimes, to find the right partners to work with on big project, it’s good to have a test-run first. Here, we tried out Rita Røisland on hair and makeup, and she did great. We can’t wait to work with her again. What do you think? Creatives, rise up! Model: Ragnhild Gaudestad Hair and makeup: Rita […]
Composite project: Modelling is hard work!
It’s not always easy to be a model. Believe it or not, it’s hard work, and really tiresome. But in one of these pictures we might take that a tiny bit too far. Model: Maria Celin Strisland. In a little co-op project with photographer Alf Myhre.
Composite: Polar Bear Project
With all the talk of fur as of lately, we figured it’s time to say no to fox-fur. Say yes to polar-bear fur instead!